Day #6 of The 12 Fitness Days of Christmas

by | Dec 19, 2015 | BLOG, Diet, Fitness, Inspiration, Stress

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1. Learn to look at your plate – Next time you sit down for a meal look at your plate.  Does it contain the building blocks for a healthy diet?  Is there a proper breakdown of Protein, Carbohydrates and Fat?  Before you eat, think about what goes on your plate, in your cup or in your bowl.

2. Read Labels – It’s easy to assume that convenience foods would be packaged in single servings. Check the label to be sure. A single bottle of juice often contains 2 or more servings and a whole lot of sugar, so find out how many calories you’re really consuming as well as what’s in it.

3. Decrease calories from drinks – Reduce or cut out sugared beverages like juices, teas, and sodas.

* If you like sweet drinks, try sweetening them with Stevia. Stevia is one of the newer non-caloric sweeteners available on the market. Made from the leaf of a plant, Stevia is all-natural and doesn’t carry the health risks of many other artificial sweeteners.
* The healthiest choices for beverages are water or herbal tea.

4. Cut out sugar – Consuming sweets generates a high insulin response with almost no nutritional benefit.

If you absolutely have to have something sweet in your house, you can acquire some high-cocoa-content dark chocolate. Stevia, a plant-extract with some healthy properties, can be used in moderation as a sweetener in recipes.

Listen, I get it, giving up sweets is tough, I love chocolate! But I also love feeling good when I go clothes shopping and everything I choose fits well.  Plus, once you clear your system of excess glucose, you will notice less and less cravings & crashes.

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